My name is Eugenio Castillo. I was born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canary Islands), some time ago. At the beginning of the eighties I moved to Málaga, from where I don't want to move anymore. As a kid I always liked planes more than anything else, but it was really difficult to see them close enough, so I started looking into my town's port.
By the beginning of the nineties, with the Gulf War and the Balkans conflicts I started to get closer to warships and making pictures, with very limited resources and not very organized. I started meeting people that liked the same stuff and that was the start of it.
After finishing my studies I wanted to taste the military experience through the military service (we had a conscript army at the time). I tried positions on all available units of the Spanish Navy, but with no luck. Unfortunately for me, a computer decided that I should be assigned to an Artillery unit at Ceuta. I finished my military service, and I have to say that i'm proud of it, despite some hard experiences.
I returned to 'normal' life and I started working for well known technology firms as computing engineer. Today i'm still working with computers, humbly contributing to spread naval affairs. I dedicate the rest of my spare time (which is not too much) to my wife and my three kids.
This site is open to those willing to contribute with their own work. I'm afraid that some rules need to be established to filter that information, or else I'd be facing reviewing a lot stuff that doesn't meet minimun criteria, or doesn't deserve the extra work that I'll have to do. Conditions are as follows:
And last but not least important... Since January 2005 this site is subject to a Creative Commons license ( see FAQ section ), this basically implies that all contents of this site can be reused by other people, providing that their work is subject to the same rules governing this site ... and if any material from this site is used to obtain economical benefit, the author has the right to claim HIS corresponding credits.
In the rare event of contributed material being requested for any of the purpouses depicted above (only a couple of times since 2000), I'll get in contact through the email.
Finally, if you have read the above and agree to the terms, please send your material to:
I'd like to thank you for spending time reading these terms, and would also like to thank you in advance for the pictures you are going to share with the community.
First of all I'd like to thank my wife, for her infinite patience, and my mother for her support.
Secondly to the people at the Foro de la Armada Española ( Spanish Navy forum ), for becoming colaborators and informers, always willing to help, whom have teached, and told many stories and details that I did not know, and that contributed enriching this website, making it what it is today.
I'd also like to thank the people at, specially Xoán Portó, for allowing me to get closer to the Spanish Navy, and to understand better the world around it.
To the professionals of our Armada and to those serving in other navies, that I have met on my visits aboard, always being an inmense pleasure meeting with. YOU make this site possible.
To my hobby comrades out there, Antonio and Bruno.
Special thanks to: Ángel Caballero Cabanillas, Ángel Lozano, Óscar Díaz, Adolfo Alonso Zarandona, Agustín Aguirre Peris, Alberto Hernández, Alberto Montes, Alberto Pereira Picado, Ana Ruiz, Angel Ignacio Fernández Niño, Anthony Vella, Antonio Alcaraz Arbelo, Antonio Galán Cees, Antonio Muñoz Criado, Antonio Sánchez Montesinos, Antonio Suau Forés, Asociación de Antiguos Marineros de la ETEA, Augusto Chereguini, Benjamín Marfil, Berta Zea, Branko Cesljas, Brian Crocker, Brian Croker, Bruno Cleries, Círculo Naval Español, Carlos López Lamas, Carlos Mañas, Carlos Moreno Trobat, Carlos Pardo Gonzalez, Colectivo LONTRA, Conchi García Suarez, Cristian Ortuño Rodríguez, Cristobal Díaz Camacho, Cristobal Fernández, Damian Díaz Pérez, Daniel Aguilar López, Daniel Prieto, Daniel Santos, David Becerra Sexto, David Conesa, Diego Quevedo Carmona, Eduardo Escaño, Eduardo Fernández, Enric Bou Vilches, Eduardo Raboso, Emilio Ruiz, Enrique Rodríguez Mayo, Enrique Sáiz, Esteban J. Castaño Márquez, Eugenio López de Silanes López, Felipe Pons Pont, Fernando Herreros Hidalgo, Francisco Maceira Rodriguez, Francisco Martínez Asuar, Francisco Moreno Salas, Francisco Pérez Verdugo, Francisco Ramírez, Francisco Tevar Baños, Gaetano Porcaro, Gilbert Gyssels, Gontzal Kaltzada, Gonzalo P., Gregorio Medina, Gregorio Tamayo, Ignacio Olivares Ortega, Ignacio López Vico, Ignacio Sánchez Grech, Jacobo Ruiz Pedreira, Jaime Estévez, Jaime Rafael, Javier Álvarez Laita y María Luisa Medina, Javier Bueno Iturbe, Javier Fabra, Javier Peñuelas Gonzalez, Jesús Gómez Gómez, Joaquín Ojeda, Jorge Guerra Moreno, Jorge Montoro, José Antonio Alcalá Vaz, José Antonio Giménez, José Antonio Orta, José Antonio Santiago Cabeza, José Castaño Serena, José G. Rubia Trujillo, José Granado, José Juan Medina Cobacho, José Luís Díez, José Luis García Piña, José Luís Torres, José María Casanova Colorado, José R. Montero, José Peña, José Rafael Garcí, José Ros Puente, José Ricardo Rodríguez Montero, José Sempere, José Simó, Jose Luis Porta, Jose Luis Portal, Jose Manuel Iglesias, Jose María Gonzalez, Jose Vicente Albero, Juan Carlos Cilveti, Juan Carlos Poza Freire, Juan Francisco Monzón, Juan José Costa, Juan José Natera Rivas, Juan José Sánchez Almansa, Juan Recondo, Juan Zafra Pintor, Julián Búrdalo González, Julián Sanz Rafales, Julio A. Fernández Fanjul, Lucas Rodríguez Crespo, Luis Assunção, Luis Díaz-Bedia Astor, Luis Enrique Quevedo Ariztía, Luis García Curado, Luis Piñero, Magnus Svensson, Manolo Budiño, Manel Díaz Camacho, Manuel Francesc Navarro del Alar, Manuel García García, Manuel Luís Soto Sáenz, Manuel Sánchez de Diego, Mario Iorfida Álvarez, Matteo Rizzi, Miguel Gerónimo, Miguel Torre, Mladen Lucic, Neill Rush, Nilo García, Paco Canela, Pedro Campos Morales, Pedro Carreras, Rafael Gaitán Lora, Ramón Suárez Suárez, Richard Brito, Robert Czulda, Salvador Trujillo, Santiago Dominguez, Santiago Mena, Serafín R. Trashorras, Sergio Acosta, Sergio Díaz, Sergio Echeverría García, Stefano Sopelza, Tomás Luque Gan, Txema Prada, Vicente Iglesias, Vicente González Lechuga, Xoán Portó, Yves Grangeon for sharing their work, pictures and information.
To all of you, many many thanks.
No longer working. I was providing the service using old pc's and a radio, run out of pc's and the radio stopped working. Nowadays there are much better solutions available. It was fun though.
To be honest: Google does it better. In this new version of the site I tried to simplify as maximum as possible, and removed contents that almost nobody used, so I can invest that time working on other pages of the site.
Basically some sort of copyright, but with Creative Commons I'm giving you permission to use my work to support yours, at no charge, provided that your work can also be used in the same way ... and if you plan to use my work and obtain economical benefit, I could legally claim my credits. To know more click on the 'Some Rights Reserved' icon at the bottom of your screen.
No objections, but you have to understand, and agree to the conditions explained under the Creative Commons license ruling this site. For more information email me or click on the 'Some Rights Reserved' icon on the left part of your screen.
This site is completely unofficial, sorry for that. I wish it was ( someone would be paying me for doing this incredible job ).
Not surprising. I don't collect pictures from magazines or newspapers, or from the internet. All pictures shown are either done by me, or submitted by someone else.
When I started the site, in 2000, it was that way. Today my personal share of pictures within the site is around 35%, rest is contributed by many kind people ( see the credits section ). All pictures are always credited.
Read the Sharing section, link is located in the bar at the bottom of any page of the site.
Of course!. I'd love to hear that from someone...this stuff is always short of money :-)) By the way, no one has ever done this question, but no one knows when it might be the first time.
Mainly for two reasons. The first one, because it combines my biggest hobbies, computing and military photography. In second place, because it helps me finding and meeting people with the same interests I have.
Depends, but expect it to be updated at least once a month.
9 months. And it was not in the Navy, which is where i'd have love to. Not too long ago Spain had a conscript force and all males had this duty with the state. I was ranked as Corporal, in the 'Regimiento de Artillería de Campaña nº30 (RACA-30)' (Artillery) at Ceuta, Spain. Everything else has been learnt through books, magazines and talking and chatting with a lot of people that really know what they're talking about.