Country: Italy
Class, [Type]: Doria, [DDG].
Builder: Riva Trigoso, Italy.
Launch date: 23 October 2007.
Commission date: 22 September 2011.
Displacement ( tons ): 5.600, 7.050 at full load.
Dimensions ( metres ): 152,87 x 20,3 x 5,4
Main machinery: CODOG: 2 x General Electric/Avio LM 2500 gas turbines ( 31.280 hp each ) + 2 diesels SEMT Pielstick 12 PA 6 B STC ( 5.875 hp each ), 2 x props.
Speed ( knots ): 29 knots (gas), 18 knots (diesels).
Range ( miles ): 7.000 at 18 knots, 3.500 at 25 knots.
Complement: 193 ( 27 officers ) + 32 Staff.
Guns: 3 x 76mm/62 OTO-Melara Compact SR, 2 x 25mm Oerlikon KBA.
Missiles: SSM: 8 x Teseo/Otomat Mk2 Block IV ( 2 x quad launchers ); SAM: PAAMS system, includes 48 x Aster missiles ( 32 x Aster 15 + 16 x Aster 30, launched from Sylver A50 VLS.
Torpedoes: 2 x fixed torpedo tubes for MU 90 Impact.
Radar: Air Search: 1 x S-1850 LRR/IFF, 3D; Target designation/tracking: 1 x EMPAR (SPY-790), 3D, G band; Navigation: 2 x SPN-753, 1 x SPN-720 (Helicopter landing aid); Fire Control: 1 x CT NA-25XP (RTN-30X) for the main guns, 2 x Vigy 200.
Sonar: Thompson/Marconi UMS 4110 CL, hull mounted.
Countermeasures: Decoys: 2 x SCLAR H decoy system ( 2 x launchers ), 2 x Contralto systems ( acoustic decoys ), 1 x SLAT anti-torpedo system; ESM/ECM: radar intercept/jammer; 1 x DIBV-2A VMB IR intercept; 1 x tugged linear antenna with Alto torpedo detector.
Helicopter: 1 x EH101 ( carrying MU 90 torpedoes or Marte Mk 2/S SSM missiles).
Callsign: IADU ()
Comment: The Horizon/Orizzonte class is the result of an international joint venture created by three partner countries ( UK, France and Italy ) after the failure of the NFR-90 project. In 1999 the UK decided to leave the project and started itīs own Type 45 destroyer, besides France and Italy decided to continue. The main differences between the french and italian units are basically the SSM missiles ( Exocet vs. Teseo ) and the helicopters carried ( NH90 vs. EH101 ).
Homeport: Taranto.
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